meet the core team

Meet Liz


Liz Agnew Myers

Elizabeth Agnew Myers

Growing up on a dirt road in rural upstate New York in one of those not-so-perfect family systems, I've been told I'm an old soul. I worked hard and got myself into Cornell, my first foray out of my small-town bubble and into the diverse new world. In addition to earning a degree in engineering, I learned proper grammar and some basic cooking skills from my circle of friends.

I've always been a teacher at heart. When I didn't get my dream job with Teach For America, I went with my plan B: graduate school at Stanford. I set off for California in my red Jeep Cherokee, ready to engage with even more of the world.

After Stanford, I landed a sexy engineering job at a downtown SF consulting firm. I thought, if I'm going to do this engineering thing, I'm going to go big. But from the moment I stepped into the "Corporate Land of Oz" something felt off. People didn't seem authentic. At the mercy of the "powers that be" I'd lost the sense of autonomy that had gotten me there. It was stifling and draining.

I completed my coach training in 2008 at Coach U, a leading global provider of coach training programs, and took the leap and left my engineering day job, vowing to return someday to help organizations reinvent themselves. My mission, as I now understand it, is to help corporations become a sanctuary for learning and truth.

Since that time, I've coached, trained, and consulted with clients from around the world, teaching them to be more effective by leading and working together collaboratively. As one of my clients puts it, my special power is turning a group of loosely collected people into a high-performing team.

I've served as President of San Francisco Coaches (a chartered chapter of the International Coach Federation). I also hold the credential of Associate Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation.

After seven years in San Francisco, my husband Andy and I have moved across the country, happily settling into an old fixer-upper home in Boston.

Contact Liz at 617.971.0099 or

WHAT Rachel SAYS about Liz:

Liz is truly masterful with teams. She is, among other things, a glorious combination of empathy and strategic engineering. Her goodness and support for both the individual goals and collective mission of her team members is a model for us all. Bringing a laser-focus and a big heart to everything we do, she's the rising tide that lifts all boats.

WHAT Mark SAYS about Liz:

Liz stands for integrity in leadership. Despite being the youngest member of the COS core team (our brilliant Gen-Y connection), she possesses an inner confidence and authority that gently yet powerfully guide process and drive results through her personal dedication and honest feedback.

WHAT Michael SAYS about Liz:

Liz might be the smartest person I personally know. Like a master juggler, she can keep numerous balls in the air without ever letting a single one drop. She thinks extraordinarily fast on her feet and seems to accomplish more in a day than any individual human could. Plus she's just plain charming and fun to hang out with. I cherish her presence on our team.